Response to Mr. Khurshed Chowdhury's article:

Re: Supporting Palestinians for all the wrong reasons.

Dr. Musil Shihadeh

E-mail: [email protected]  



This is in response to Mr. Khurshed Chowdhury article: Supporting Palestinians for all the wrong reasons.

Your views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict reflect a definite lack of understanding not only the roots of the problem, but also the status-quo. When you give equal morality to both Israelis and Palestinians in their fight to acquire land in Palestine, you certainly have obliterated justice, morality and international legality from your thesis. When you justify Mr. Sharon�s violence against the innocent civilians under the guise of fighting �terrorism� you have shown a definite lack of understanding Mr. Sharon and his motives. When you give a certain religious groups the right to a political �sovereignty� over somebody else�s land, you have advocated the right of all individual religions to have a country of their own, thus advocating the redrawing of the entire map of the world. Should the Buddhists, the Catholics, the Moslems and hundreds of other religions seek to form exclusive political sovereignty over any land in the name of religion?

When the Balfour declaration was initiated in 1917 demanding that the Jews should have the right to a home in Palestine, the population of the country was almost 650,000 Arabs ( Christians and Moslems) with 55000 Jews. The land distribution was 94% owned by Arabs and 6.5% Jewish. From 1917 until 1947 massive Jewish immigration took place with the help of the British ( who were in control under the Mandate) that has changed the demographic balance to 33% Jewish and 67% Arabs. The influx of Jews into Palestine was in conformity with declared intentions of the Zionist organization (Led by Haim Weizman) to create in Palestine an exclusive Jewish state. As documented by the Israeli historian Benny Morris and many others, such an objective could not be actuated as �anyway you divide it you would have an Arab majority). How can a group create an exclusive Jewish state with the indigenous Palestinians representing the majority? Therefore the logical solution was to uproot and transfer the majority Palestinians out of the Jewish state by the use of force. This was done in 1947-1948 using numberless massacres ( like Haifa, Jaffa, Nahaleen, Dir Yassin etc..) . Over 800,000 Palestinians were evicted and turned into miserable refugees. Remember that the 1947 UN Partition strictly prohibited the expulsion of any individual from either state to the other. Did the Palestinians reject the Partition? Yes and who wouldn�t? Would you accept to cede half of your home to a foreign insurgent free of charge? What right does a Jew from Hungary, Poland or any other country have in stealing somebody else�s land? Don�t tell me that the Bible says so, as such travesty could not be accepted by anyone. If we apply land ownership by using Bible historical claims the entire map of the world has to change through violence and calamities that are unimaginable.

Then you naively repeat the Zionist cheap propaganda that Mr. Sharon is only fighting � terrorism� when he attacks civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. Obviously you are not familiar with the Likud and the Israeli fanatic right. Their intentions are to create in the entire land in Palestine a Jewish controlled government. Read the Natanyaho- Sharon plan to acquire more land in Palestine and also read the Likud agenda for Palestine. Why do you think the wall was built on 20% more of the West Bank? You think our objection to the wall was due to separation? They call build a china wall as far as I am concerned, but not on more of my land Mr. Chowdhury. Realizing these historical, facts, the UN has adopted many resolutions demanding that Israel withdraws to its international borders and allow the Palestinian refugees to return. Mr. Sharon could have acquired peace in less than 24 hours if he simply accepted any of the signed agreements, be it camp David 11, Taba, Sharm El-Sheikh, Oslo and many others. Israel was given guarantees by the US that Israel�s borders and security would be guaranteed by the super-power if only they would accept to implement all the agreements especially the ones sponsored by the US. Mr. Sharon is not fighting �terrorism�, he is fighting the right of Palestinians to their freedom and independence on their shrunk piece of land in Palestine. Give me a break Mr. Chowdhury! I�ll be glad to supply you with any documentation to prove the above. Before you jump to the conclusion that my motives are purely Islamic, I would like you to know that I am a Palestinian Christian.

Dr. Musil Shihadeh



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