"Hijab": "Headscarf" or "Purdah"
by Afroza Begum
E-mail: [email protected]
Begum Rokeya, in her article, "In The Maidan of Hajj", wrote, "During Hajj, men and women have equitable rights. Both are wearing same unstitched two pieces of dress. There is no lace of golden threads, no covered `Burkha' of any new fashion, not even the hooded palanquin. The wives and the daughters of the highborn aristocrats have to run between Safa and Marwa on foot; circumambulate the Qu'aba Sharif. At those moments shoving and jostling with the males are inevitable. Why not the Indian noble aristocrats introduce a separate private day of Hajj for women "living in Purdah"? We could know how heroic they are if they could impose a separate day of Hajj, as they do reserve a separate day for functions or exhibitions etc. in Kolkata for the aristocratic women "living behind the Purdah". In conclusion, I pray with all my devotion, so that all Muslim women would be able to see the Maidan of Hajj at least for once in their lifetime. " (Published in monthly `Mohammadi' in Bangla Year 1339- Roman Year 1936).
I shall extend my thanks to Mr. S. A. Hannan to post the commentary "The Feminist Debate Over Hijab" authored by Ms. Anne Sofie Roald, Ph.D written on the topic of Hijab,
[Ref: http://www.messageonline.org/2004febmarch/cover2_opt.pdf ],
in his message of Dahuk Forum
[Ref: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dahuk/message/3569].
I strongly believe that, Mr. S. A. Hannan is aware of Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, who is regarded as the pioneer of "Muslim Feminism" in our part of the World. Indeed we are indebted to Begum Rokeya alongwith her co-travelers who dedicated their lives during the early part of the Twentieth Century to emancipate the Muslim Women from the claws of "Purdah System" imposed by the aristocratic Muslims leaders of India for centuries to keep the women confined to indoor domestic peripheries. As the result of Feminist movements initiated by Begum Rokeya and others the Muslim Women could gradually begin to break the barrier of "Purdah System" and grab the opportunity to become educated and to seize the opportunity to enter into participating in the Public life.
It is always the trend of the orthodox Islamists to be critical about Feminism be it either Muslim Feminism, when the Muslim Feminists have always strived to point out the discriminating attitude of the patriarchy which originates in the misleading interpretations of the tenets of Islam. Due to their misleading propaganda, the Muslim Feminists always had been subject to undue criticisms. The orthodox Islamists are, out and out patriarchal, as they represent the vested interest and are looking at the World through their distorted lens of patriarchy, where on the other hand Islam has clearly pointed out to set the direction to end it. Also, at a date as early as in the 7th Century of the Roman calendar.
In this respect indeed which the Muslim orthodoxy further failed to realize that the steps which were necessary to emancipate and empower the women relative to the times of the early Caliphate which were prescribed at those times were not meant to be the end of it, but that only the beginning of it.
Ms. Anne is a Muslim woman, educated, living in Sweden and by profession an Associate professor at Malmo University in Sweden. May be she is not aware of what Begum Rokeya Shakhawat Hossain wrote back in the early twentieth century. Modern Sweden is a country in Western Europe known as to be the freest country as regards to sex, which Muslim Feminist will be critical about. But, it will be difficult to be critical with regard to gender relations in Sweden. Because, not only considering the dignity and respect which prevails in the mutual gender relationships in that country but according to the available statistics also they have been able to establish by far one of the foremost society in which the women enjoy the most equitable opportunity and participation in almost all of the public spheres of life and contributing extensively for the equitable development of the society.
Ms. Anne in her book, "Women In Islam: The Western Experience." commented, "A Christian nun wearing a veil might be seen as image of sincerity, religiosity, purity and peace, whereas a Muslim women wearing a veil is likely to be seen as a symbol of the oppression of women and as making a political-religious statement."
Ms. Anne wears a headscarf as she has informed in her writings and obviously she preferred to practice that. But definitely she is not living the life similar to a "Christian Nun", and if she did then also she may be questioned on the practice of "Clergy System" which Islam does not encourage. The dress of Christian Nun definitely is making a "religious" statement of its Clergy System in which a Nun has a complete set of code of different life style of living and livelihood from that of an ordinary Christian believing woman. Therefore, her analogy made in this respect is definitely is a case of failed substitution, misplaced as well as misjudged, hence may be termed by some also as a misleading propaganda. I have no reason to defend or criticize the dress of a Christian Nun because they are practicing that out of their own faith of Clergy System, which is rather not present in the religious belief system of Islam.
Firstly, Ms. Anne has pointed out that, the argument of Muslim Feminists on the question of "Hijab" suffers from "selectivity" in drawing reference from the scriptures. Secondly, she further questions why the practice of "Headscarf" is termed by the Muslim Feminists not applicable for the women in general when; "Khimar" (24:30-31) and "Jilbab" (33:59) are ordained for all women. Thirdly, she also questions: why the Muslim Feminists look at wearing a "Headscarf" as if it was meant for socio-political or religious activism?
We all know, there is no dispute or misunderstanding with practicing a "Khimar' or "Jilbab", because those do not include any kind of "Headgear" at all and the dresses which are being commonly used by Muslim women are definitely modest attires covering the parts of the body as ordained in those verses of the Holy Quor'an.
But, the Arabic word "Hijab" (33:53) means physically a "curtain" or "barrier" to be used by the Prophet's wives while meeting with men who were strangers or distantly related. But then why the very word "Hijab" is being used commonly to mean the "Headscarf"? If misnomer of "Headscarf" is created to simile with "Hijab" then it was the "Islamists" rather than the Muslim Feminists created that misnomer. But, was it made inadvertently, or a distortion made intentionally, or there is a plausible intention and explanation behind the creation of this particular misnomer? If there is one plausible intention or explanation in favour of it then I hope such explanation should come from the "Islamists" to corroborate it with the relevant references of scriptures to clear the misunderstanding created by the misnomer, rather than falsely criticizing the Muslim Feminists of being "selective" in making references.
I believe Ms Anne is fully aware of the fact that the Muslim Feminists in general are concerned about gender relations in the Muslim society, particularly in those respects where the women are oppressed, discriminated or segregated in the society. The objective of a Muslim Feminist is to make the Muslim women aware and conscious about their problems with particular emphasis to the social impediments persisting with respect to freedom for education, marriage, child birth, family planning, mother and child health care, gender violations, employment and any other impediments which put a curb to enjoy their freedom of speech including other socio-political and economic rights necessary to achieve and attain fair and equitable treatment in their private and public life.
The Muslim Feminists pursue to attain these objectives not as ends by themselves but by far with all fair intentions so that women in general can become able to attain a congenial social environment including at the grassroots of the society to undertake all necessary and appropriate steps by themselves to solve all these problems confronting them. Because only in doing so they shall be able to ensure fair and equitable treatment for them in their private and public life. The Muslim Feminists believe that, it is necessary to create the social environment for the Muslim women which is congenial to provide equal opportunity and justice for women, hence it becomes necessary to emancipate the Muslim women from all kinds of male dominant postures and positions existing in the Muslim societies.
We also know that, modesty and modest dress are issues and the subjects applicable for both men and women in a Muslim society. Hence the arguments favouring the practice of "Headscarf" by Muslim women offering explanations of complying with Quora'nic injunctions, or in the premises to gain socio-economic advantage are both wrong as seen by the Muslim Feminists. Because, neither it is complying with the Quor'anic injunctions nor it can help to gain any socio-economic or political advantage except deteriorating the situation in generating social tension through segregation in gender relations. As long as the practice of "Headscarf" attributes to "Hijab" which means "Purdah" and definitely "segregation", which is definitely an imposition of patriarchy.
We cannot build a coherent society and aspire to make it harmonious, vibrant and strong, with bifurcations created in gender relations in private and public life. Islam and The Holy Prophet of Islam never wished to see a society as a whole with bifurcated and segregated gender relations. And, it is not difficult for one dedicated believer to understand it, if he or she shall try to interpret the Holy Quor'an and the Traditions of Holy Prophet without making any distortion. But, unfortunately, often and historically the distorted interpretations of the Holy scriptures have been made to serve the ill-motive of the vested interest groups who wished to further the male dominant patriarchal Muslim society merely to satisfy themselves by treating women in subjugation with ultimate goal of reducing the sphere of women into the private places of domestic house keeping and sexual objectification.
The value and sense of moral standard are created in human minds through educative learning and intellectual refinement with humane understanding of a coherent and disciplined social life, but in which both men and women must participate with equal access to education and knowledge for proper learning of these standards. Above all, wisdom is the most important element of human intellectual virtues, which men and women should be able to equally acquire. Wisdom accumulates from the knowledge gathered through perpetual application of physical and mental faculties into the spiritual as well as worldly affairs. Then how women would be able to acquire the virtues of wisdom unless they are allowed to become able to enter freely and exercise their independent minds into their day to day problems which they are confronting in their private and public lives in relation to the society, the nation and the contemporary world in which she is born?
Therefore, on the other hand, if one aspires to achieve these goals merely concentrating all her/his mind and exhausting all energy in mere symbolic practice of "Headscarf" for women, in that situation rather one is found to do nothing but exactly that, ignorantly furthering "Hijab" or "Purdah" or "Segregation' in the society. Which is indeed originating from ethos of imagery "Feel Good" attitude of being participant in orthodox patriarchal version of Islamic socio- political and religious activism.
With improper perspective of learning of worldly affairs as ordained, if the women find them living in the nightmare of this World where Islam gets reduced to closed and captivated state of the mind and the brain, into a mere "piece of cloth" then Muslim Feminists should oppose it by all means and shall continue to do so for the furtherance of the righteous path of Islam. Because, the women are definitely co-traveler of the men in this path at the end of which men and women shall be treated equally for their deeds in the matter of final justice with the equitable verdict of Allah, and because, Allah knows the best!
Afroza Begum
Dhaka, June 10, 2004
Verses From Quor'an referring `Hijab':
33:53 O ye who believe! Enter not the Prophet's houses, - until leave is given you, - for a meal, not to wait for its preparation: but when ye are invited, enter; and when ye have taken your meal, disperse, without seeking familiar talk. Such (behaviour) annoys the Prophet: he is ashamed to dismiss you, but Allah is not ashamed (to tell you) the truth. And when ye ask his ladies anything, ask them from behind a HIJAAB: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs. Nor is it right for you that ye should annoy Allah's Messenger, or that ye should marry his widows after him at any time. Truly such a thing is in Allah's sight an enormity.
7:46- between them is a HIJAAB (barrier).
17:45-And when you recite the Qur'an, We place between you and those who do not believe in the hereafter a hidden HIJAAB. (Barrier)
19:17-she (Maryam) took a HIJAAB (barrier) apart from them (her women folk)
38:32- and the sun was hidden behind a HIJAAB (barrier)
41:5- between you and us is a HIJAAB (barrier)
42:51- God does not speak to anyone except from behind a HIJAAB (barrier)
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