Part -4
By Bijon B. Sarma
I remember Prof. Amartya Kumar Sen once opined that he does not believe in religion, but he respects those who work for the welfare of human being even in the name of religion. I must say, this is one of the truest and still noblest gestures towards religion. Whatever we expect to accomplish, in case we expect to have the best we need good men. And the harsh reality is, in this age the number of good men are on decrease. The eyes of the westerners are blindfolded by wealth and they are increasing losing interest in good men, noble character, morality and so on. If the trend continues, a day would soon come when they would consider it profitable to sell their young daughters to �bad quarters� then to unnecessarily bear their expenses. In spite of such non-scientific ideas people in the east love to stay with religion for one strong reason, they dislike the western trend. For centuries religion has been regarded as the subject dedicated to creation of good men. However, the recent experiences, as revealed in the activities of people belonging to certain religion have made people all over the globe skeptical about the positive contribution of religion. Even though Prof. Sen lived in the west for a long time there is no reason for him to know the positive affects of religion, because he himself is an excellent product of this religion. At the same time, in this age no enlightened man with common sense can believe in such baseless ideas like �someone called created this world, god would punish men for their deeds, god�s punishment can be averted by financing the religious leaders� etc. The most important question in this juncture is, in absence of religion how would human society produce good men, who are so essential for the peace and progress of this world, including success of democracy.
Two things which contribute to creation of good men are : (a) Religion and (b) Literature. In this article we shall discuss religion only. From the experience of the eastern countries we know, good men are the products of religion. They teach their followers to love others, to be sympathetic, to speak the truth, to speak honestly and so on. There are, however, deviations in the later religions. In order to collect followers by any means some of these religions even teach �killing people of other religion is virtuous, snatching away wealth of men belonging to other religions and surrendering certain percent is endorsed� and so on. They even speak of alluring things in the imaginary heaven. The affects of such preaching cannot be good and the world is now witnessing the same. The common story behind most, if not all, of the religions is : �God has created this world. He is keenly observing our deeds. After death men would be rewarded for good acts and punished for crimes in their after-lives after death. Even if one commits mis-deeds he can avert punishment by gratifying the religious people�. The major positive and negative contributions of religion may be summarized as (a) Religion attaches various good qualities with the concept of god and by that way endeavors to culture these qualities in men. For example, religion teaches the children that god punishes those who speak lies and thus urges upon them from telling lies. (b) Religion teaches un-scientific blind faiths that retard development of scientific minds. (c) Some religions spread hatred against men belonging to other religions or no-religion. (d) The alluring items promised by some religions in the heaven make men greedy. (e) The concept that god�s punishment can be averted by gratifying the religious organizations or leaders encourages men to commit crimes. Some of the preaching of religion have been formulated entirely for financial benefit. The preaching that punishment for crime may be averted by gratification is one good example. The story that someone called god has created this world is baseless and unscientific. This is however preached with an explanation that the preacher in question is either his relative or agent and can manage �his blessings� in return of money. Lastly, the attachment of good qualities with the concept of god does not last in multi-religious or scientific societies. All these prove that in this age, religion is not only useless, it is even harmful. Now think of the vast properties now enjoyed by various religious organizations in the name of �creating good men�. If one looks at their products one may be tempted that this vast investment is another name for waste.
When considered on the basis of outcome, religion cannot be considered as a subject to continue. Naturally, a scientifically advanced country like USA has practically abandoned religion. But since they did not provide any substitute arrangement for growth of good human qualities, they are facing even harmful situations. It is possible they the citizens may not understand the difference, because they are deeply immerged in a system and their government, great men (most of these great men are puppets of the capitalists) and the medias have successfully taught them to consider their system to have been the best. But Prof. Sen has got the privilege of having a neutral outlook. Even after being taught about numerous gods and their miraculous activities since boyhood, Prof. Sen expressed his clear idea about gods. The pragmatic persons must appreciate his courage and transparent attitude. In such a context, it is high time for us to think of a substitute for religion, or more precisely speaking �substitute for the positive contributions of religion�. I would request Prof. Sen, who has such a wonderful, excellent and transparent idea about religion, to think of a substitute. This substitute must not allow the growth of any idle community who loves to live on �believers money� and this must be based on scientific facts. All the good qualities that a society might think is essential for maintaining peace, progress and harmony will be included in this subject. Naturally this subject will vary from one country to another. The subject will be called �Ethics�. It will be taught as compulsory subject in schools, colleges and universities. In it the students will be taught that they must speak the truth, act honestly, behave correctly because �he is a man� and because �those ensure peace and happiness in the society�. There will be no concept of punishment or reward after death, but the society will look that the moral qualities are followed in the society. Whenever there is a deviation the society will enforce its measures.
We have already mentioned elsewhere why democracy cannot work in a religious country. When looked in further details one may see democracy cannot work in a country with many religions of conflicting nature. What happens in case of mono-religious countries ? Democracy believes in equal rights for all irrespective of sex or religion. Since this country is religious it would be the obligation of their government to follow the principles of that religion. Does this particular religion give equal rights to men and women belonging to other religions ? Or, it advocates killing or conversion of people of other religions ? It may now be easy to understand why the Muslim countries cannot expect to see the fair-play of democracy.
Still today we have not seen any religion that allows the basic requirement of democracy which is equal status for all men. Without a single exception the religions advocate their followers to have been the best. In case the introduction of ethics as a subject of knowledge be introduced in the educational institutions and the society with its administration and legislation come forward to maintain the ethical qualities, religion will practically be redundant. In such case all the establishments now being enjoyed by the religious organizations may be brought under the government and be used for �culture of democracy�. In another article we have mentioned that in order to find success democracy must not be kept limited in periodical elections only, but be cultured throughout the year.
Men, who have born in this world would live for a period of say fifty to eighty years. They have born with equal rights on the wealth of this world. The term �equal� however has to be taken only loosely. The complex economic principles, political administrations and other systems through which we are now going cannot ensure �equal� opportunities for all. And there is no need for it even, because a considerable section of men are not that greedy to claim their full share. It is the noble duty of the ruling government that each citizen are provided with the basic necessities. Democracy should fix this aim as the prime target But we know, ensuring this condition will not bring peace in the society. For that purpose we would need good men. Religions have proved, they have failed in that venture. In this article we have proposed �ethics� as its substitute. Prof. Amartya Sen, our pride may think of a much better substitute. Professor Sen�s greatness has already been proved in the west. We are hopeful he would come forward to prove his greatness in the east, among his countrymen through his concern and works for these poor souls.
Bijon B. Sarma,
Associate Professor, Architecture Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208,
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