Bijon B. Sarma
"Gay marriage is a human right", "Homo-sexual marriages are register-able", "Bush is going to ban gay marriage" etc. are the burning headlines in US newspapers and medias. Being compelled to see international news medias we also have to come across such headlines in the television. After seeing such news, it is natural for us to face the innocent kid questioning, "Uncle, what is gay marriage ?"
Due to tremendous development of science and technology in the west, the people of the eastern countries quite often feel 'frustrated' for their apparent 'incapability'. For ten thousand genuine reasons 'Islamic Fundamentalism' has earned the disliking of a considerable section of people in the east. Hindus, who follow a different religion find no reason to endorse Islamic fundamentalism. But still the intelligent section of secular men and those from Hindu and Muslim religions from the east have to support the Islamic Fundamentalists.
The big Question is, "WHY ?"
If a survey is conducted today in the eastern countries to find out "What makes the eastern people to hate their counter-parts in the west", what the enumerators would discover are the following three reasons : (01) They indulge in premarital sex relation and adultery. (02) They drink liquor and love nudity and (03) They are so blunt-headed that they do not understand how their capitalists exploit them like slaves. "Gay marriage", when enforced would be the fourth cause of their further hatred.
When premarital sex and adultery is hated in any prestigious society, what made the west to accept this 'culture' ? The people of the east ask the question to themselves. And they find out the following two answers.
NUMBER ONE : Premarital sex and adultery cannot be the outcome of civilized men in a normal society. The west got it "accidentally" in the most "abnormal" situation. When the immigrant families lived in the west coast and the male members traveled towards the west in search of wealth and job, they had to miss their wives for quite a long time. The women also had to live without men and the family, without guardians. In such a situation the women, boys and girls "did exactly what was natural for them" to do. By the time when law and order was established in the west and the rich men got scope to live with their families, the 'habit' was deep-rooted in their blood and they accepted these as their culture.
NUMBER TWO : When the immigrants met in the east coast and could not select their 'leader' a peculiar thing happened. In a normal society there arises no problem with the selection of the prudent man as leader, because everyone knows the other's background. This privilege does not exist in the agglomeration of immigrants, where no one knows the background of the others. In such a situation not the good and prudent man, but someone rich in arrogance, muscle or money wins. After such a man got the leadership, he felt the need of a contingent of muscle men around him. After appointing them he felt urgent need of 'wealth' in their wealth-constrained land. He needed those to meet the hunger of his musclemen All on a sudden he remembered, 'in the eastern countries women are not married before eighteen'. He jumped with joy because with this he discovered vast amount of 'exploitable wealth' in their society. He collected a piece of paper and quantified the wealth as "Eighteen minus Six into number of Girls/Women". The amount was quite heavy even when the wealth was "divided by the number of his musclemen". The poor immigrants could not say anything because number one, they were fools and number two, by this time the "wealth-hungry" musclemen were with their leader. Soon it entered in their culture.
The people of the east do not know which of the above answers is correct. But they know, if one is not correct, the other or the both definitely are. They know, pre-marital sex paves the way to adultery and adultery, to less concern for their (?) children. And less concern for children make the parents not to think of giving their properties. In absence of claimants the government acquires the properties. That makes the government rich. A rich government is a boon for the capitalists, because they can now 'share' the wealth through fraudulent means.
The people of the east know, what "adultery" could not successfully perform in their society, would be efficiently performed by "Gay Marriage". "Gay marriages" would leave no off spring. True that all people of the country would not accept it. But the more the number of heir-less families, the richer will be their government and better will be their luck.
In such a context if the "association in favor of gay-marriage" can arrange costly show-downs, rallies, demonstrations or can employ million-dollar lawyers to fight their cases, even a little boy from the east can guess, who gives them money and why. At the same time they know, the people from the west cannot understand, because, in their words 'they are brain-washed'.
The Hindus love some cultures of the west and dislike some cultures of the Muslims. But they hate pre-marital sex and adultery. The intelligent Muslims do not endorse some prescriptions their own religious, specially those which go against human rights. But they hate pre-marital sex and adultery. There may be ample reasons for both Muslims and Hindus to dislike Islamic fundamentalism. But still they have to endorse it, because they know only Islamic Fundamentalism can save them from the old western-curses of premarital sex and adultery, and the new western-curse of 'gay marriage'.
Bijon B. Sarma, Associate Professor, Architecture Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh.
Co-author : JOURNEY TO THE EAST. (Trafford.com and amazon.com)
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