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Lets Support The War & The PresidentBy Sitangshu B.Guha
I saw a lot of posting about the "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and unfortunately noticed that all most all of those are against the war and some people are even against President Bush and as well as America! I wonder why? All of those who are against the war will say univocally that, they want peace or will claim themselves 'Peace-loving'. Fine, but only problem is that, that is not the fact, at-least not for everybody. I understand, why some Americans/Westerners' are against the war, they are real good people, never face the atrocities caused by the Islamic fundamentalists or terrorists. Americans & Westerns' would never understand how heinous are the Islamists or terrorists if there were no 9/11. Surely, You people noticed that, all the fundamentalists & terrorists are also against this war . I guess, somebody will say that, Saddam is not a fundamentalist! Well, a guy who built a mosque in his every birthday--what you will call him? Yes, I am in favor of this war. I am with 71% Americans. You know why? Because like all civilized people I don't want another 9/11. Actually I want President Bush to win the election again and finish the task he had started. That is, crush the Islamic fundamentalists every where in the world including Bangladesh. Somebody has to do this and Bush has started that and we need to support him. I know some people will say that, what is the relation between terrorists & Saddam. Just watch, let the war finish, you may find Talibans/Chechen & Kasmiri Separatists' /Bangladeshis(?) there fighting against the infidel(!) America. That is why almost all the Muslim countries and even its peoples (Even in US or West) support Saddam (Wrong Choice). See, all infidels (In their language) are not supporting President Bush, that is the beauty of the progressive world. Let me tell you a story: 3/4years before one guy told me, where is your Bush (senior), (Note that I am not registered as a republican or democrat) Saddam is still in power. There are plenty of people like that and of course, we should feel pity for them because those people say that from their fundamentalist point of view. Here again I have another reason to support the war, that is, may be in future civilized world need to go to the Muslim countries to change their rulers, the kings, the dictators, military juntas, like Iraq (Because someone has to show them the good). Have you noticed that, people from Islamic countries including Bangladesh (Not everybody, there are some progressives too in Bangladesh, some of my muslim friends support the war) enjoy the democracy, free sex, religious freedom, properties & wealth etc. in America & West and everywhere, but they want their own country to become an Islamic country!! (So that all infidels become their slaves??)(Please find me one muslim country where non-muslims are growing!!). So long the mentality is like that, America has to go to Afganisthan or Iraq or some where else. (Sovereignty? Bangladeshi religious minorities don't have that in their own country, and in almost no Muslim country, non-muslims have that!!). Either way, you support it or not, Saddam is history now. Who is next? Just today, my friend 'Kalam' (True but not the full name) told me: 'Like all Muslims are brothers, All Hindus are brothers & All Christians are brothers too.' I told him, I never heard Christians saying that, All Christians are brothers.' If they say that, and tell us that they will not give wheat/food to non-Christians, then half of the fundamentalists will just die of starvation (They are civilized people and will not and can't let us die like that). Let me give another example: May be in 1988 after Islam become State-Religion in Bangladesh, in Dhaka, one detective had a friendly chat with me. He asked: What is your problem if Bangladesh become a Muslim country? I asked him the same question: Will you favor if India become a Hindu country? His answer was negative. I asked him: What is your problem? He told me that then the Muslims of India will lose their rights. I told him, you think about the Indian Muslims, but forget to think about the minorities of your own country! I told him: For the same reason I can't support Islamic Bangladesh---he told that he never thought like that. I know, in fundamentalist countries, the rulers don't allow its people to think pro humanity. Problem lies there. Solution of that problem is to support the war against terrorism. This war is also a part of fight against terrorism. Hopefully, after a few years the world will be beautiful again and we will not be asked to take off our shoes to board a plane for the sin of the islamist supremacists. There will be no Saddam, Bin-laden or Khomeni or even Kheleda to harbor the terrorists. Fall of fundamentalism or terrorism or barbarism is nearing everyday. Rise of humanity is all but certain. Lets' abandon evil and hail all the good of the universe. God willing, good will prevail. Thanks. God Bless You All. Regards. Sitangshu Guha
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