On censoring my article by a "high standard" (Uttorshuri) moderator

                                    By Jahed Ahmed

Dear Moderator of Uttorshuri:
I don't recall having heard of such a crude joke for long time. You claim to have found several reasons not to post our article published in Bangladesh Observer. I wonder- why not let the readers judge it for themselves? Since when a moderator has attained superiority in judging the aesthetic quality of an article over his/her readers?  I am afraid to say- it's neither the so called "poor" quality of the article, nor the "grammatical errors" (why not point out some?); but your mediocre and pro-Islamic (in disguise of modernity) perspectives that refrained you from understanding the article. As for references, do you think, Observer published it without list of pertinent references?  Here is link to original article along with references:

Besides, you may like to have a glance at articles and comments by other Mukto Mona members that have been published in newspapers/forum within and outside Bangladesh. link:  https://gold.mukto-mona.com/news/newspaper.htm

FYI, both Avijit and I are against Bush's immoral War in Iraq and we have written profoundly upholding our stance. However, I know when reason of censorship is due to parochial personal level grudge, nothing helps.

You have also complained in your forum that Mukto-Mona is siphoning off  Uttorshuri members while sadly forgetting -

1. Mukto Mona is much older as a forum than Uttorshuri 

2. Uttorshuri was formed using Mukto Mona's member database  (we have proof too).

3. Uttorshuri's moderator was once a member of Mukto Mona although the pro-Islamic predilection made her vulnerable to ideals we believe in i.e. critical thinking, secularism and rationalism.

4. We have been publishing posts from Dristipat, an affiliated forum of Uttorshuri.  

5. Readers are not any one's private property.  They are entitled to read/view whatever they like. If they decide not to, they can always unsubscribe.

I realize by now- why you didn't want to "overwhelm" your readers with our article. And It's not that we thought of your forum as any romantic poetry club.  When it so happens that readers are familiar with Emerson  but the moderator's criteria of judging good versus bad are deeply rooted in  poor and archaic learning backgrounds, then one doesn't feel enraged but  simply pity the nerd. 

Thanks again!  

Jahed Ahmed

Mukto Mona
South Asian Humanists' Monthly Discussion Group
Center for Inquiry Metro NY

CC sent to Mukto Mona
PS: I'm sure, you're honest enough to post this message for your readers.  And feel free to unsubscribe me, if you want to. 



Rejection letter from the 'High standard' moderator:

uttorshuri1 <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Member,

I regret to tell you that this article contains nothing new; it doesn't provide references for the facts cited, and is full of grammatical errors. In general, it refers to some widely known problems of Bangladesh's political scene, but you have provided neither an in-depth analysis nor any clear solution to those problems. I'm surprised that the Observer published an article of such poor quality without even any editing.

More importantly, why does it matter what president Bush calls Bangladesh, especially after what he has done in Iraq? Or do you want Bangladesh to be another Iraq? Do you have a Chalabi or an Alawi in mind as well?

We see no value in posting this in Uttorshuri. Please try to understand that we receive numerous such postings everyday and we do not want to overwhelm our readers with all of them.

Thank you for your participation in Uttorshuri.



My original message that I sent to Uttorshuri:

> -----------------
> Following is the link to article of www.mukto-mona.com which was published in daily Bangladesh Observer
> on last 1st November 2004.




  Replies Name/Email Date
21155 Re: On censoring my article by a "high standard" moderator Dipak Sarma Sun  11/21/2004


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