Dr. Musil Shihadeh's Page

E-mail:  [email protected] 


English Articles:

[article]Israeli Racism and the Wall

[article]The message and the messenger 

[article]Re: Benny Morris interview In Haaretz Jan.8/2004

[article]Response: Mr Khurshed Chowdhury article: Supporting Palestinians for all wrong reasons


1.Re: What if you got your wish?: TO all those who cheer attacks on America 2. Re: What if you got your wish?: To Peter and Kali 

Re: Muslims and the burden of truth  Re: Muslims and the burden of truth  Re: Muslims and the burden of truth  [Debate with Peter]

  1. Peter Peter! Can you try to make some sense! 2. Peter Peter Stop your naive distortions!!!! 3. Re: peter lies 4. Re: Peters lies and myths which he called "facts" 5. Re: Peter's lies  

Re: Peter : Dichotomy b/w Myth and Facts 

Re: Hitler and the Arabs 

Re: Debate on 'Is the Quran God's Word?' 

Re: A question to Mr. Roy (Response to Abdallah on religion and fundamentalism) 

   1. Re: On Arab Psychological/Propaganda Warfare Against Israel  2. Re: On Arab Psychological/Propaganda Warfare Against Israel 

Re: How They Work Re: The Great Lie of the Twenty First Century:




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