Bin Laden�s late-breaking video appearance before election
Bush or Kerry ? Kerry, or Bush? : To Voters Trapped into the Dilemma


Jahed Ahmed & Avijit Roy  
Moderation team, Mukto-Mona


Anyone can become angry. That is easy. But to be angry with the right person to the right degree at the right time for the right purpose and in the right way; that is NOT easy.  

-Aristotle, Greek Philosopher, Father of Biology and Logics


He has appeared again. This time with a more artful trap and if American voters fail to discern between his well designed (ill)trap when 2004 election is imminent and making a choice that is, if not best,  certainly a better option to make America safer at home and abroad; then who do you think wins? Bin Laden again. But not another three more years we can afford to spare him for. Yeah. You got it. Three years after Bush declared he wanted bin Laden �dead, or alive�, the culprit is still in good shape. Who/what is responsible? Is America deficient in technology, weapons? Certainly not. Then? Well, it�s worth reflecting on with election being away just two days. It is the perfect time to decide- whether we want Laden simply �dead/alive�, or we want his existence uprooted without being trapped in his ploy.    


What is the right strategy to deal with terror? Sparing the real patron of terrorists and, instead, attacking a sovereign nation that had no connections whatsoever with WMD?  Were not at least seventeen out of nineteen 9/11 terrorists from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia alone? How many were from Iraq ? Isn�t it true- still Saudi is working as a potential threat with its preaching of Wahhabism, the jingoistic version of Islam, in several parts of the world? Alas! Saudi Kingdom still enjoys warm relation with Bush regime and secular Iraq is gone. Saddam and his hoax-like threats took precedence in Bush Policy over those countries that are known to pose well documented threats. Besides Saudi, consider North Korea . A small question for you: do you think- invasion in Iraq has made America more secure than it was before? Or, is it otherwise: America is creating more and more enemies outside by its bullying policy? Oops! Not America , but Mr. Bush. And how sincere is Bush with regard to his foreign policy? Take our country, Bangladesh , for example. In last few years, militant Islam has grown to a threatening level. In fact, militant Islamists are now in power. What did Bush regime do to avert their growth? Yeah, they did something (worse than nothing!). Harry K. Thomas, US ambassador in Bangladesh has been very loyal to his Islamist friends in terms of certifying them as a �moderate regime�. What a bound-to-fire-back policy! Doesn�t sound credible? Then you didn�t watch 24 hours security around US embassy in Dhaka , Bangladesh after a threat to blow it up and rescuing of massive explosives, weapons near it (for details please read our article at )

Some supercilious part-time rationalists (indeed just a byproduct of rationalism) coteries are jumping into conclusion that without Bush America cannot be secure and those who support Kerry are all �leftists�. What a pathetic form of respect they are showing toward Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, James Madison, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and their legendary visions!   

We would stop here. Bin Laden must be looking forward to US election. If Bush wins, there will possibly be more chaos, more Iraq like phenomena and guess what? More logics for bin Laden to instigate terrorists against USA! Don�t give him a chance. He must have developed immunity toward Bush. We are sure- he is yet to develop a vaccine against Kerry. And most important of all: make sure you remember Aristotle before casting your vote.


Best of luck!



Jahed Ahmed and Avijit Roy are the moderators at and respectively. While Ahmed lives in USA , Roy is a Research Scholar from Singapore . They could be reached at [email protected] and [email protected] res.




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George Bush for Second Term? No way! Jahed 
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An open letter to US fatemolla 
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