Shakespeare Predicted the Big Bang and Dark matter!!!
Yahya Pramanic
I was very impressed by Maurice Bucaille�s assertions about scientific miracles found in the Koran. We have many similar claims put forward about the Bible and Torah as well. There is virtually a new industry in India trying to find Vedic equivalents of nuclear energy in the Ramayana and the Mahavarata.
So I decided to look into secular sources as well. May be I could find something of use here as well. Well, Principia Mathematica is a case in point; but others (neo-Apologists) might say it is �inaccurate� in modern contexts. Well, so much for the capability of one of the greatest mathematicians in history! I bet Newton, being of the nasty temperament that signified his personal life (e.g. his systematic humiliation of Leibniz in the eyes of his colleagues) would have to say some juicy tidbits about these religious ditto-heads.
So I turned to the Bard in for the last word in wisdom. To be perfectly honest, I find his terse eloquence much more comforting than all the words of Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed combined together. After all, true genius does not need preachers and mullahs to back them up. Although the religious right may claim that Literature professors are a new band of priesthood dedicated in spreading their liberal ideas and poison the minds of young Americans!
So I was leafing through my favorite piece by the Bard. The young prince has just returned home from the University at Wittenberg to attend the funeral of his father and the subsequent wedding of his mother to his uncle. The depressed prince is visited by his father�s ghost and learns the truth about the conspiracy. Then my friend William delivers his masterstroke, paving the way towards the greatest discoveries in Physics. Hamlet says to his friend:
�There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.�(Hamlet Act I, scene v).
It struck me as a prophetic statement. Here is a 16th century affirmation of Dark Matter, Black Holes, and background radiation from the Big Bang etc. Dark Matter is what cannot be seen with eyes but it does exist and is more in proportion than ordinary matter that we can see. Dark Matter comprises of the majority of the mass of the Universe. Also, on a similar vein, we can say that Black Holes, Anti-matter, quarks, bosons and gluons can be predicted from this statement too.
What would the Apologist school of thought say to that, I wonder?
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