Today is September 11, 2002, - the whole world is commemorating the one-year anniversary of the horrific event of last year- remembering the fanatic zeal that caused religious terrorists hijack airliners, and turned them into weapons for destruction. Thousands died at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in rural Pennsylvania where courageous passengers tried to fight back against faith-based violence and terrorsm.
This is the time we desperately need Freethinkers, Humanists and secular people all over the world who reject religious creeds in this time of crisis! We do agree with Richard Dawkins here - "Those of us who have for years politely concealed our contempt for the dangerous collective delusion of religion need to stand up and speak out. Things are different now. All is changed, changed utterly." [Moderator, Mukto-mona 11/9/2002.]
September 11: One year on
United States of America
- Terrorism Meets Reactionism
- Altered lives, changing attitudes
- Pentagon rises renewed
- Changing history
- Why it happened
- The long and short of it New caution in skyscraper design
- The human toll Address the roots of the 'hatred'
- Emerging from cocoon of grief
- Things regained, things lost
U.S. Newspapers, Maganizes, and Journals
- The New York Times
- The Washington Post
- Los Angeles Times
- International Herald Tribune
- Financial Times (U.S. Edition)
- Wall Street Journal's OpinionJournal: The WSJ's conservative editorial page
- The New Republic: A center-left political magazine
- The National Review: A conservative political magazine
- Foreign Affairs: The establishment foreign policy bimonthly
- The Atlantic Monthly: A monthly literary and politics journal
Great Britain
Middle East
Mukto-mona (Articles)
- Patriotic Merchandising of Nine-Eleven Tragedies
- A year later: Are we heeding yet?
- Fallout from Nine-Eleven incidents roils the Muslim World
- The fallen Twin Towers
- September 11: Chomsky vs Friedman
- 9/11: counting the costs
- Oshonee shonket (Bangla)
- September Eleven - when the world went a bit awry
- How did 9-11almost ruin a full-blown love?
- "Time to Stand Up" By Richard Dawkins
- The Smoke, Dust and Tears Filled September 11
- Targeted by a History of Hatred
The day that changed the world (Daily Star Editorial)
Mukto-mona (Cartoon and Lampoon)
Mukto-mona (Poem)
Statement from Freethinkers on Last Sept. attack
- Statement On The World Trade Center Atrocity By Ibn Warraq
- A Call To Muslims of the World From Faith Freedom International
- A Call for Caution and Prudence: A Personal Statement by Paul Kurtz
- Design for a Faith-Based Missile by Richard Dawkins
- Muslims and the West After September 11 by Perves Hoodbhoy
Other Websites and Articles about 911
- PBS Frontline analysis: US - Saudi Relations
- PBS Frontline analysis: Gunning for Saddam
- Washington Post: The Conflict in Kashmir
- PBS Frontline: Ambush in Mogadishu (interview with Col. Kenneth Allard (ret.)
- Forum: Nuclear Weapons after September 11
- Social Science Research Council: After Sept. 11: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
- Columbia International Affairs Online: The Terrorist Attacks on the US (follow linked text)
- Federation of American Scientists: Terrorism: Background and Threat Assessments
- Center for Defense Intelligence: Terrorism Project
- New Yorker: September 11, 2001
- Los Angeles Times: Response to Terror
- Washington Post: America at War
- New York Times: A Nation Challenged
- Council on Foreign Relations: Terrorism: Questions and Answers
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