Daily Star Editorial
The day that changed the world
Renewed pledge to fight terrorism
Regardless of our grievances against the West (Kosovo) and specifically against the US (Palestine) we cannot in any way be soft on our total rejection of actions that kill innocent public and attack civilian population of another country. Our rejection of terrorism in the conduct of our national and international affairs must be unequivocal, unconditional and total. It will be a grave mistake to consider the events of this day as an attack on a particular country and therefore leave it to the US to deal with it. It is an attack on peace, on us all, our way of life, and our civilisation. On the first anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center we must renew our pledge to fight terrorism everywhere and of all variety.
However, we must also regretfully note that the global agenda to fight terrorism is being given a singular direction by the US to focus on Iraq and as a result justifiable divisions are appearing in the global coalition against terror. Echoing the position of our government, we state that we are opposed to any attack on Iraq without proof that Iraq is producing weapons of mass destruction. We must point out that not a single Iraqi was found linked with the Al Qaida members who attacked the WTC. Till today no US intelligence report could link the Iraqi regime with Al Qaida, to establish which the US must have tried its very best. We must also point out that with the attack of Iraq the global anti-terrorist coalition will suffer a great shock, and the Muslim countries will be forced to reconsider its unquestioned participation in it. We also fear an attack on Iraq will set in motion a Muslim reaction which will only help the fundamentalists. This is a particular concern for a moderate Muslim country like ours.
On this day we remember the thousands who died as a result of this mindless terrorism. They belonged to many nationalities including several from Bangladesh, and to all major religions of the world proving our point that the attack was on us all. We renew our pledge to fight terrorism regardless of what the US does.