Re:  - James Randi responds again to Ali Sina and Sina responds back.

By Avijit Roy

E-mail:  [email protected] 


Ali Sina:

You also wrote about James Randi�s credential. He might be famous (I do not claim to know all the famous people). I have a hunch that his million dollar mental stunt had something to do with his fame. However the fact that he is famous does not make him right. This is a logical fallacy and is called �appeal to authority�. Because X is an authority, it does not mean X is right all the time.

Actually I wrote about Randi because you said you did not hear his name. I just gave you some information about him and his work. Of course he may be wrong, just as you can be. That was not the point at that time. For me no one is the ultimate authority. So "appeal to authority" is misplaced here, in my opinion.

Ali Sina:
If Randi says MANY of these high profile psychics MAY be fakes, I have no problem with that at all. That is what I believe too. However, Randi is not saying this. He is saying psychic power does not exist and ALL those who claim to have psychic power are fake or hallucinating things. Randi�s position is not that of skepticism but of faith. His million dolalre offer is proof that he is denying such thing exists at all. I have no problem with his doubts. I have problem with his faith.

This is the crux of the problem. Unfortunately I consider your position is more gullible than Randi's. Consider the following occurrences:

Psychics don't rely on psychics to warn them of impending disasters. All they do is like those finders of Quranic miracles: whenever the modern science find something, they hurriedly try to relate with ambiguous Quranic verses. Consider that Psychics cant even predict their own deaths or diseases. They go to the dentist or doctors like the rest of us. I know one famous Bangladeshi psychic healer went to USA for his better treatment of his disease. They're as surprised and disturbed as the rest of us when they have to call a plumber or an electrician to fix some defect at home. Their planes are delayed without their being able to anticipate the delays. If they want to know something about Abraham Lincoln, they go to the library; they don't try to talk to Abe's spirit. In short, psychics live by the known laws of nature except when they are playing the psychic game with people. Psychics aren't overly worried about other psychics reading their minds and revealing their innermost secrets to the world. No casino has ever banned psychics from the gaming room because there is no need. No lottery number is ever predicted by any psychic. How can we be sure that psychic power really exists?

Infact many a times we saw that the claim of accuracy of psychic predictions is grossly overrated. The belief in the accuracy of clairvoyants such as Edgar Cayce and Jeanne Dixon is due to several factors, including mass media error and hype. For example, it has been repeatedly reported in the mass media that Jeanne Dixon predicted the assassination of President Kennedy. Actually She did not. The New York Times at that time helped spread the myth that Edgar Cayce transformed from an illiterate into a healer when hypnotized. One of the more egregious cases of mass media complicity in promoting belief in psychics is the case of "psychic" Tamara Rand, producer Dick Maurice, and talk show host Gary Grecco of KNTV in Las Vegas. All conspired to deceive the public by claiming that a video tape of a "Dick Maurice Show," on which Rand predicts the assassination attempt by John Hinkley on Ronald Reagan, was done on January 6, 1981. The tape was actually made on March 31, 1991, a day after Hinkley shot Reagan (Steiner).

So what should we common people do? Believe those all charlatans who claims mystic power? Dont you think we should follow the path of skepticism rather than blind faith in abnormal phenomenon? In fact, I find it quite reasonable to use as a guide when an implausible, incredible claim the advice of David Hume and Thomas Huxley: ask yourself what is more likely, that the claim is true or that one making the claim deceived, in error or intentionally trying to deceive you? And another quote for you:

"When a confidential information leaks out of an Organization, people suspect a spy, not a psychic" - John Allen Paulos.

Ali Sina:
Also Randi�s challenge is not a strong argument at all. It goes to say that Randi has no clue about the nature of psychic power.

Well I found it rather opposite. In this gullible world, Randi is making a significant and bold step towards rationalism. If you think that you are a mental spoon bender, you can't use your own spoons. If you are going to see auras, you will have to do so under controlled conditions. If you are going to do some remote viewing, you will not be given credit for coming close in some vague way. If you are going to demonstrate your dowsing powers, be prepared to be tested under controlled conditions. If you are going to do psychic surgery, expect to have cameras watching your every move. Don't you think those are the common rational steps one should follow instead of starting believing in a psychic power? Of course that wont disregard the possibility of existence of psychic power, but what is the problem if someone wants to test the claims before believing dogmatically? That's not what you also do when someone claims for "Quranic miracles" or Muhammad's unexplained journey to heaven thru meraj?

Why Randi' is important for us ? Because he is a famous magician. He knows the basic tricks of fake psychics better than us. He can see those events more critically (Just as Ali and his FFI folks sees Quranic miracles critically than common gullible Muslims) . Charlatans, fakirs, mystics, and dreamers alike, they are all too aware that James Randi's meticulously-devised tests can destroy their reputations, such as they are, and make fools of them all. It is easy to fool common people who does not have any expertise on tricks/magic, even famous scientists are also included! I know Indian Rationalist Association debunked one so-called Rusian psychic, who used to claim recognition of his power from some famous scientist community of his country.

Anyways, The following is a sampling of other grumblings in response to Randi's challenge:

-- I can't afford to be in a higher tax bracket.
-- I'm already rich.
-- I don't want the money; I'm totally spiritual.
-- You wouldn't pay me the money, anyway.
-- It's all a lie; there is no prize.
-- It's a trap by the CIA to identify and murder me.
-- The prize comes from the CIA (or from the communists).
-- God told me not to get into it.
-- If I win, you'll have me killed to save the money.
-- You'll put out negative vibes to inhibit my powers.
-- Since you're a trickster, you'll fool me somehow.
-- It's too much money.
-- It's not enough money.
-- I want the money in a pile, in cash, (or a certified check) before I try.

Any clue, why??? :-)

Ali Sina:
Psychic power is a misnomer. The psychic does not have any power at all. We are all psychics....

That's good. You are now approaching to reality. In fact, there are some "honest Psychics" who are at least honest about their deception and inability and call themselves mentalists and call their art magic or conjuring.. Yet, it is the "real psychics," not the mentalists, who are the darlings of the mass media. Thus, when the mass media promote "psychics" for their entertainment or news value, they are either promoting fraud or encouraging delusions. Perhaps the media think that because most parties in the psychic game are consenting adults, that makes it okay. Perhaps the police agree and that is why telepsychics like Miss Cleo can practice without fear of arrest for fraudulently claiming to have psychic powers. If you say psychic does not have any power to perform all the time, then it is contradictory to ur previous stand. You mentioned about Van Praagh's performance in Larry King TV show in favor of the existence of his psychic power. How Van Praagh was so sure that he could successfully perform in a TV show with some miraculous prediction regarding Larry King's father, but NOT in front of Randi? One may wonder...

Lastly, about one comment:

Ali Sina:
This is exactly the religious attitude I claimed the pseudo rationalists share with the religionists.

We can go beyond such stereotyping, Ali. If someone challenges on something from his confidence and experience on a valid issue, it is not worthwhile to compare it with Muhammad's "Produce a sura...." on sole purpose to ridicule it. If someone disagrees with ur view it does not mean that he is talking like a Muslim or a religionist. You might be wrong too, just as everybody.

BTW, for interested general readers who believes in psychic power:

The James Randi Educational Foundation offers a prize of $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove he or she has a psychic ability. After collecting the million from Randi, successful psychics can also contact B. Premanand of the Indian Skeptic, another magician and debunker of paranormal who will pay 100,000 rupees (ca. $2,300) "to any person or persons who will demonstrate any psychic, supernatural of paranormal ability of any kind under satisfactory observing conditions." "Mr. Prabir Ghosh will pay 20,00,000 rupees to anyone who claims to possess supernatural power of any kind and proves the same without restoring to any trick in the location specified by Prabir Ghosh." Also, the Australian Skeptics will throw in an additional $100,000 (Australian), $80,000 for the psychic and $20,000 for anyone "who nominates a person who successfully completes the Australian Skeptics Challenge." Some good opportunities indeed!!! If you nominate yourself, and are successful, you get the whole hundred grand.

Take care.

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