Trial of the murderers of Gujarat. Letter to NHRC re. the Best Bakey Case.
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To: The National Human Rights Commission of India[Please join us in sharing concern about a free investigation into the Gujarat pogrom followed by a fair trial of the accused. Append your name to the below letter. On the 21th of July 2003 we will send this the National Human Rights Commission of India (NHRC). We would encourage all to also write and send similar letters which can be E-mailed / Faxed and snail mailed to the chair of the NHRC. [E-mail: [email protected] / Fax: (91) + 11-23340016.] We also invite you to use the telephone [ 91-11-23340891] and speak to the officials of NHRC to press them to move on the Gujarat Bakery Case.]
2 July 2003
The Chairperson
National Human Rights Commission
Sardar Patel Bhavan
Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110001
Dear Sir or Madam,
Your Commission recorded the evidence of several persons in connection with the violence in Gujarat in 2002. One of these was Sheikh Zahira Habibullah of Vadodara, later to become the chief witness in the trial of the Best Bakery case. This witness turned hostile and denied the testimony which she had given to your Commission and to several others and which was widely reported. Like her, many other witnesses in the case turned hostile.
In the judgment pronounced in the Best Bakery case last week, all the accused were held to be not guilty for want of evidence. Many reports in the media have clearly said that the prosecution and investigation in this case did not do their duty on account of sectarian considerations. It is also widely believed that pressure in some form was the reason for the surprising number of prosecution witnesses� turning hostile.
Possibly anticipating just such an eventuality, your Commission had recommended that several cases, including the Best Bakery case, be handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation.
The Government of Gujarat did not act on this recommendation.
We urge you to take such action as you see fit to right the wrong which apparently has been done. The matter is clearly one of human rights and therefore within your jurisdiction: because the violence in Gujarat in 2002 was directed against the entire Muslim community and because that community continues to be the victim of organised and sustained discrimination and may legitimately fear that its human rights will be infringed in and through sham trials in the many cases which remain to be tried.
Yours truly,
Mukul Dube (New Delhi) and Harsh Kapoor (France)Sincerely,
The Trial of the murderers of Gujarat. Letter to NHRC re. the Best Bakey Case Petition to The National Human Rights Commission of India was created by and written by Mukul Dube and Harsh Kapoor. This petition is hosted here at www.PetitionOnline.com as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form.Send this to a friend Send Petition to a Friend - Petition FAQ - Start a Petition - Contributions - Privacy - Media Kit - Comments and Suggestions
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