Petition For Peace

For those of us who are against fundamentalism and terrorism but also cannot support a war that will cause deaths of thousands of helpless people, please sign the following petition: 

"As the U.S. appears bent on a mission of preemptive attack on Iraq, they have forgotten the voices of hundreds of thousands in support of *peaceful* means to seek justice and stop dangerous, cruel leaders.

Send in your signature! We'll keep phones and fax machines ringing off the hook, exercising our patriotic right to tell our representatives how we want them to represent us.

We need MASSIVE PUBLIC SUPPORT to stop the US from attacking within the next several weeks. We must OVERWHELM the offices of our representatives with faxes, emails, and phone calls - day and night.

We can sit back frustrated, or we can take action to stop a war today. Where do you stand? Take action here:  


Thank you for making a difference!

--The PetitionSite Team

Note: This is a one-time alert and update for the Peace and Justice Petition."

Please share this with your friends.

Ernesto Guevara

On behalf of Mukto-mona


We the undersigned, endorse the following petition:
Oppose War With Iraq: Massive Fax Campaign
Target: U.S. Congress
Sponsor: Care2 .com


pen nibGOAL: 50,000

pen nibDEADLINE: Ongoing ...

Preemptive War: Will You Let it Happen? Or Will You Make a Difference?

Without a doubt, Saddam Hussein is a ruthless dictator, who has harmed his own people and threatened other nations. The people of Iraq deserve a better leader. But removing him by force of war is not the answer. The United Nations has established an aggressive weapons inspection program, which is starting to deliver meaningful results. The inspections should be allowed to work.

Flex your patriotic privilege and tell your Congressional Representatives what YOU want! Sign this letter opposing a unilateral first-strike war on Iraq - we will deliver your petition letter via fax TODAY to your state House and Senate representatives.

We need MASSIVE PUBLIC SUPPORT to stop the US from attacking within the next several weeks. We must OVERWHELM the offices of our representatives with faxes, emails, and phone calls - day and night. Each petition signature / comment will be sent as a personalized letter via fax. Your representatives depend on you for their votes - you must let them know what you want.
See full petition below  


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