A Telephone-Interview of Dr. Humayun Azad 
from Mukto-Mona


Next time instead of chopper it could be a bullet...!!



Dear MM Members,  

I got the Bangkok phone number of Dr. Humayun Azad (thanks to Mr. Jahed Ahmed, a leading member of MM forum), and got a rare opportunity to talk to my "idol" today for a long time. He recognized me immediately! He sounded cheerful, ready to pen his next book / article. Still the same, full of zeal against the bigots, �The Maverick� as Dawn described him earlier! Commenting on his detractors openly, calling �a spade a spade� as usual!

He seemed quite happy about the care he has been receiving from the hospital in Bangkok . I enquired about his health condition, he replied smiling, �I am fine, one is either dead or alive�!

He inquired a lot about MM and I explained him about MM's work in spreading his message of secular humanism across the globe. He is upset that a lot of websites have been posting directly from his book violating copyright and he would like them to stop that ASAP or face legal procedure. He wants Hasan (editor of Shobdoguchcho to spearhead that and Mr. Jahed Ahmed would be working with him). He was unhappy about missing his e-mails (apparently his server keeps e-mails only for 10 days) and that he won�t be able to reply many of his e-mails due to his situation.

All in all, he is the same old person, if not re-invigorated and re-charged, raring to go full throttle against the fundamentalists. In his own words "next time instead of chopper it could be a bullet". He is ready to pen his next book, "Few seconds from death" as soon as he returns from Bangkok . MM is the first forum that reported his pre-publication book �10,000 and 1 more rape� as well as reported the death threats before the brutal assault by fundamentalist forces.




Secular humanists across the world need to uphold and sustain the message from the greatest living Bengali anti-establishment freethinking author, "Dr. Humayun Azad", "miles to before we sleep"!

I got 10 copies of "Pak Sar Jamin Saad Baad" from BD, 5 copies taken by friends right away, a must read for all those who care for BD. He was glad to find out that his latest book has been received with such great fanfare! 3rd reprint within first 3 months of publication! Anybody seeking to procure this book may do so from the website of dear friend Alam Khorshed:


A scathing criticism of the perverted brutality perpetrated by fundamentalist forces in Bangladesh which almost cost his life during a recent attack on him by the hired thugs of the same quarter he was so vocal against.


Rahul (MM Moderator)


More on Humayun Azad issue in Mukto-mona ....


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