"Does God Exist?" Debate in NFB
Re: Can Science Prove God?
A Iqbal
E Mail : [email protected]
Mr Zaman should refrain from discussing things he doesn�t understand.
et me explain a few things from the point of view of a professional theoretical physicist at a rather decent university.
- The universe is very fine-tuned. Consider the moduli space of possible universes. Only a set of measure zero is compatible with life. Most will collapse immediately after they are born, or expand so fast that they will be empty and no stars and life will form. From this point of view, the appearance of life is the great cosmic jackpot.
We are either here because of a miraculous accident with a probability of something like 10^{-10^a} = 0 where a is very large, or we are here by design, So take your pick.. I think most normal people not biased against religion find the design argument more plausible.
- To deal with this people have come up things like the anthropic principle: our universe is the way it is because if it were not, we wouldn�t be around to ask the question. For example, in hawking�s open inflation scenerio (his latest quantum cosmology effort (1999)) he has to resort to the anthropic principle, because the instanton giving rise to our universe (highest probability universe) is empty � there is no structure formation, life, etc. Hence, he has to introduce a bias, and his probability measure is then artificially weighted to produce an acceptable universe.
- Causality is very much respected in the universe. The example Mr. Zaman is thinking of is pair production. Pair production is not an acausal process. It is true that things can pop out of the vacuum. But one must either apply a very strong field, or raise the system to very high energies such that energy = the rest mass of the particle and anti-particle.
Also, one cannot directly measure things such virtual particles because of Heisenberg�s uncertainty principle. Such pair produced particles are internal lines in the Feynman diagrams of the processes and cannot be measured. Clearly then, the necessity for proper external conditions means that pair production is not acausal.
- The statement about a million monkeys randomly typing out bethoven or Shakespeare is clearly false. Just calculate the probability. It is something like 10^{-10000), which is basically zero.
- The chaotic inflation scenario, whereby universes pop out of the vacuum does not address the fine-tuning problem, because the number of universes produced that way is likely to be countable, which is a set of measure zero. Mr Zaman is improperly trying to apply the ergodic theorem here.
The moduli space of universes is not the phase space of a classical particle. Furthermore, the chaotic universe scenario is problematic because it relies on Planck scale physics (inflaton phi > m_{Planck}), and is not compatible with his effective gravity theory. Everybody knows about these problems, but Linde (the originator of the theory) still persists.
If I have time I will write a few more things later. But please understand the nature of people like Mr. Zaman. They are imposters and very unscrupulous. They will try to fool you by using misunderstood physics and mathematics to persuade you to believe that there is no God. Shame on dishonest people like Mr. Zaman.
Assalamu alaykum
A. Iqbal
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