Does AL Give up Secularism?

 Ajoy Roy 

Published on May 03, 2009


Did AL abandon secularism as the state philosophy when its General Secretary MA Jalil signed a 5-point pact with Shaikhul Hadis, leader of Khelafat Majlish on December 23, 2006? However Mr. Jalil in a bid to clarification claimed in presence of the journalist that it is not a pact- it is a �memorandum of understanding�. What difference does it make ? This is a bolt from the sky even for a common Awami League worker. It is shear nonsense, uncalled for and unexpected, when the secular force is rallying behind AL in order to get rid off the BNP led fundamentalists from the state power. The left democratic force of various shades is giving all out support to AL some by joining the 14 party alliances, some from outside without formally joining the alliance. We, the secular democrats, supported this move of the left democratic and socialist parties as there was no alternative political force exists yet. Because AL is still a political party whose party manifesto contains secularism and democracy as two basic and fundamental principles. Before going further let us have a glimpse over the 5-points agreement between AL and Khelafat Majlish. The five points are:

The AL and Khelafat Majlish unitedly and solemnly arrived at a memorandum of understanding in view of the 9th national election on the following 5 points, which are

  1. No legislation opposed to the doctrines of Quran and Sunnah will be passed.
  2. The process of government recognition of the certificates offered by Qaumi Madrasha will be materialized properly.
  3. Legislation will be done on the following:
  4. (i). Hazrat Muhammad (sm) is the last and greatest prophet
  5. (ii). The recognized Hakkani Alems have the authority to issue fotowas. No one without authority shall give fotowa. 
  6. (iii). Criticism and ill statements on Prophet Muhammad and sabaye Keram shall be treated as punishable offence.�

These created resentment not only among the members of the civil society but even among the members of the AL who believed in party�s manifesto that still declares AL as a secular democratic political party.

I consider that the pact or memorandum of understanding is Christmas gift to the nation from AL. It is a slap on the cheek of the left democratic allies of AL. It is also a clear indication the AL can go to any extent even for gaining a few seats even at the cost of its declared ideals. What a shame. But why AL has to do it � a thousand dollar question, I do not know the answer of which.

Here is the sharp reaction of 5 leading elites of the civil society on the so-called �memorandum of understanding�. Kindly see attached files in pdf format  :

as published in Protham Alo, December 25, 2006  ( )

Happy new year to every body.


Prof. Ajoy K. Roy--a reputed scientist and human rights activist from Bangladesh--is the member of Mukto-Mona advisory board. He writes from Dhaka.