A debate between S A Hannan and Fatemolla

Published on September 30, 2007


S A Hanan : Read writings of Sayyid Mawdudi to form a proper view about his stand on democracy.


Respected members, Assalamu Alaikum.

In response to the letter below on the editorial of Asia Post, I submit as follows---

1.The editorial highlighted the need for co-existence of opposing political forces and the futility of banning political parties.

2.In 1971 and 1972 , many Bengalees, Biharees, Hindus, Muslims, Razakars and freedom-fighters were killed without trial by all groups not just by one group. It is irrational to blame one party against whom also no government has been able to prove any case or bring any charge. There is no point in raising this issue in hyperbolic way against Jammate Islami Bangladesh, the party which was officially launched in 1979.Most scholars think that the continuous harping on this and keeping the nation divided would help only anti-Bangladesh foreign forces.

3.As regards Sayyid Maududi and democracy, please read the book Islamic law and Constitution as referred by the writer of the letter and also later writings of Sayyid maududi to form a proper view about his stand on democracy. He was never for kingship or dictatorship bur for an elected democracy in line with the teachings of islam.

Shah Abdul Hannan

Rebuttal by fatemolla