Message from Mukto-Mona on Dr. Azad's 1st Death Anniversary

We feel honored to honor him today! 



12th August, 2005, and it's Friday today. It's a day of special significance, mourning and reflection for the freethinkers, secularists and rationalists of Bangalee origin. A year from now- on 12th August, 2004- we lost Dr. Humayun Azad- a multi-dimensional author, poet, internationally renowned linguist and a courageous voice against bigotry, prejudices, and injustice. Dr. Azad died mysteriously in an apartment of Munich Germany following a brutal attack by the reactionary gang of militant Muslims few months ago. During the last days of his life, he glorified Mukto-Mona through his grand and literary presence. We feel honored to recall it.   

With Azad's death, no doubt, Bangladesh has lost a prolific author, a popular teacher, and a talented linguist; yet we believe- the biggest damage which occurred to Bangladesh through this tragic loss is- Bangladesh has deprived herself of a truly outspoken, honest and devoted rationalist. This is so profoundly felt today when we look around and let ourselves see things as they are in today's Bangladesh. However, watching something from far is easier, as we all know. But it definitely takes great morals, courage and conviction to see injustice, lies, corruptions of the establishment and raise voice against them openly. Guess, that too in Bangladesh! Yes, Dr. Azad was simply unique of his kind. Professor Humayun Azad even though has departed us a year ago, his memory will live forever amongst us.  

Our heartfelt tribute goes to Azad, one of the bravest heroes of our time!!



Jahed Ahmed
Avijit Roy
Mehul Kamdar 

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