People and religion

Murshadul hakim(shuvro)

Published on April 02, 2006

A popular Chinese version say�s, �go in search of your people, love them, serve them, and play with them. Begin with what they have built on what they know�.

People always come first. They are always right and even if they are wrong we stay with them. They make history and civilization. But their voice unheard, their face unknown, their faith ignored. Ruling class alienate them. They use gun-powder. They use Bible. But they are fur away from them.

In capitalism, capital decides fate and future of the people not the parliament. French economist Samir Amin said, �Democracy and capitalism can not go together�. Capitalism alienates people.

So did socialism in former Soviet Union. State controlled the labor market and every arena of people�s life. �Party was for the party people only, not for the non party people�. State alienated the mass.

This might be a reason why people becoming more and more religious in this modern world. Only a fraction - not the vast majority, take religion seriously. We call them fundamentalist. This ism is also growing.

When we practice militant secularism we again alienate believers. It is now important that we need to develop language to communicate with believers. We need to interpret religion. Antidote to bad religion is good religion. We should not through the book away. History of religion is complex, gorgeous, colorful and diverse. Karan Armstrong said, �Religion is not about believing things. Its ethical alchemy�.

How we explain the role and leadership of Martin Luther king jr during the civil right movement in USA. Not a communist, not a capitalist but a religious leader said , � The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state but rather the conscience of the state�. We know about fanatic religious organization Ku Klux Klan.

Neo-liberal economic policy jeopardizes the livelihood of our people. From North to south, East to west suffering is endless. This is the time when look at the real crisis and fix our objective before its too late. Here what Vandana shiva writes, � The project of corporate Globalization is a project for polarizing and dividing people - along axis of class and economic inequality, axis of religion and culture, axis of gender, axis of geographies and regions. Never before in human history has the gap between those who labor and those who accumulate wealth without labor been greater. Never before has hate between cultures been so global. Never before has there been a global convergence of three violent trends - the violence of primitive accumulation for wealth creation, the violence of "culture wars", and the violence of militarized warfare.� Regardless of our faith, united we need to stand against war, occupation, deregulated trade to establish democracy, peace, social justice , revolutional humanism and �free people�s free world�.

Murshadul hakim(shuvro)