Jahanara Imam Memorial Medal awarded to Mukto-Mona

Mukto-Mona Moderation Team

Published on June 26, 2007

The Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Kamiti today has awarded Shahid Janani Jahanara Imam Smiriti Padak (Jahanara Imam Memorial Medal) to Mukto-Mona in recognition of its significant contribution in humanist field and work against religious fundamentalism. The citation in its concluding remarks says:

In recognition of the contribution made by �Muktomona� website in secular, democratic, social and cultural movement and in its fight for realization of peoples� right irrespective of religion, caste and class the �Jahanara Imam Memorial Medal� is awarded to Muktomona.


Prof. Ajoy Roy, the reputed human rights activist and advisory board member of Mukto-Mona, has accepted the award on behalf of Mukto-Mona. The news has been broadcasted in Channel I and other major Bangladeshi news media. Soon we'll provide readers with more updated news.

On behalf of Mukto-Mona Moderation Team, we would like to thank all our members & well-wishers who have helped M-M to achieve this success. Needless to say, we have miles to go, before we sleep.


Related News and Articles:

Certificate of award | Crest | Medal: Side 1 |  Side 2                 


Does Recognition Matter for a Good Cause? Jahed Ahmed

Jahanara Imam Memorial Lecture (upon receiving the medal on MM's behalf)  Ajoy Roy


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