February 15, 2005 

Appeal to the People of Habiganj

Asma Kibria


In various statements immediately after the killing of my husband, Shah A.M.S. Kibria, I have asked for your help in obtaining justice. He was not only your M.P. � he was a person who devoted some of the best years of his life to working for the development of Habiganj, where he spent so many happy years of childhood and youth.


My husband did not need any greater fame or status than he had already achieved when he returned to Bangladesh in 1992. By then he had already held very powerful and prestigious positions in this country and internationally. As Under-Secretary General of the United Nations (1981-92) he was accorded State Protocol in every country he visited and he had the chance to work with Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers. He could easily have taken up a relaxed retirement at the age of 61, finding more time to write articles in the newspapers and to play with his grandchildren. Instead, he chose to work for Bangladesh and for Habiganj.


Our family will always feel great sadness when we hear the word �Habiganj�. It is not the fault of the people of Habiganj, but there is no denying this fact. I sent a healthy man of 73 to Habiganj, a man committed to peace, democracy and your welfare. All of you know the condition in which he returned to Dhaka.


My family is aware that no security was provided to him. I don�t think that anyone except those who would wish us harm would suggest that we should go to Habiganj under the current circumstances, when the Government of this country is unable to provide security for anyone. There will come a time when we could visit the place that he died and meet those affected by the attack � but certainly not under this BNP-Jamaat Government.        


I noted there was talk of taking my husband�s body to Habiganj by helicopter. This may have seemed a very reasonable idea to some people. But I would like to ask you, where was the helicopter in the four hours when my husband lay bleeding to death from a hundred grenade shrapnel wounds?


You, the people of Habiganj, have seen in the Press and the television how the entire nation has mourned the death of your MP. All over this country people recognized his enormous talent and his achievements.


I would now ask the people of Habiganj who cared for my husband to help me ensure that his killers are punished. Ensure that your efforts to help me are effective and sustained. Join me in my various programmes of peaceful protest to ensure that a proper FBI-led investigation takes place. Please obtain any information that you can about the attack on the 27th January and the events that followed (including the failure to provide medical treatment and helicopter transportation). This information will be needed when a proper investigation is initiated. Do not let those who are involved in my husband�s death � and hoped to benefit from it - walk away unpunished.  


Mrs. Asma Kibria


Also Read:


more on Kibria in MM forum..


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