Grand assembly of local freedom fighters at Raumari
Published on April 04, 2006
Dear Members,
A grand assembly (milan-mela) of local freedom fighters is to be held at Raumari on April 8, 2006 at the joint initiative of Shiksa Andolan Mancha and Mukto-mona. As you know Mukto-mona is helping reconstructing a Lower Secondary School (class vi-viii) located in a remote village, a small island on the bed of mighty Brahmaputra following a devastating flood a couple of years back {Ref: MM Flood Project: Rebuilding School in Roumari [Part: 1 | 2]}. The school is now well run with the cooperation of the local people and Mukto-mona. In this effort the Shiksa Andolan Manch is also cooperating with us. As you know during our nine month duration of liberation war the flag of independent Bangladesh had always been seen flying in the sky of Raumari, the credit of which goes to the common people of Raumari and the brave freedom fighters engaged in protecting Raumari against the repeated assaults of well equipped Pakistani army. For this, Raumari paid a heavy price, not less than 9 freedom fighters of Raumari and adjacent areas gave their lives. In Khedaimari alone, where our school is located two student freedom fighters became Shahid in a dreadful Chilmari-Raid operation, which freed Chilmari from the Pakistani occupation. Pakistani brutal soldiers characteristic of their inhuman cruelty killed not less than sixty common villagers in 2-3 villages, which Pakistanis occupied in the early stage of the war in a cold blooded genocide committed in October 2, 1971, just before they were driven out by the freedom fighters.
Mukto-mona and Shiksa Andolan Manch has decided to erect a memorial in honour of the 9 martyr freedom fighters and sixty Shahid villagers, victims of Pakistani genocide. A well-known architect, a professor of architecture of a University, has already completed the design of the mausoleum. We will lay down the foundation of the memorial on the morning of April 8, 2006 at our school premise, which would be followed by the `Milan mela� of the freedom fighters at Raumari proper in the afternoon. The estimated cost of the mausoleum would be something above 3.5 lakh in BD taka. We hope to receive some financial support in our effort from the MM members.
We depend entirely on the generosity of you, our readers, to cover this expense.
At this important moment, we pause to thank our readers and supporters who have enabled Mukto-mona to survive, to grow, and to have its impact on contemporary life.
Pic: the proposed martyr memorialI may mention here that Taraman Bibi received her `Beer Pratik� title for her bravery in Kodalkati war front, another island in Brahmaputra, and a union of Raumari at that time. We expect she would be in our midst during the conference on Aril 8, 2006.
Invitation (update):
Attention: Members of MM group Dear Members,
This is just a formal invitation to all MM members. We need your good wishes for the success of our conference, which we would receive surely. Kindly see our invitation card in Bangla attached herewith in pdf format.
Ajoy Roy
Dhaka, April 6, 2006
Ajoy Roy