Re: Re: Re: Is Marxism (Communism) Scientific?
By Setara Hashem
E-mail: [email protected]
Again Mr. Avijit makes same accusation, abuse and blame against me. He feels it is only his authority to do so, not others. Thanks for attributing me American policy basher. I am proud. Try to understand the difference in definition between the word "Islamist" and "Fundamentalist". 85% people of BD believe in Islam are Islamist. Within this Islamist, a few are fundamentalist, rest of them are secular. A secular restrains from criticizing or bashing Islam or any other religion, as it is personal affairs. If any body violets this rule will be bashed. If those who are creating religious hatred are to be called freethinker or mukhto Mona, then the definition of these words is to be changed.All deaths are inhuman and barbarian act, but some time it is not. Example, Col. Taher and Ershad Sikder were hung to death. Siker's death was hailed but not Taher. So inhuman and barbarian act is depend on the type of person's activities and situation. To be a humanist, one is to understand these. A humanist is to further understand that natural science is closed system as its pattern sets are fixed whereas social science is open system as its pattern sets are continuously changing. Marxism deals with social science. A man, who does not know these rules, is a quack humanist.
Fascism and imperialism are two different socio-economical stages within capitalism whereas socialism and communism are higher socio- economic stages of capitalism as defined by the socio-economist. Social and economical properties and characteristics of each of these stages are different from other stage. Therefore Hitler and Stalin are not comparable as water and oil are not comparable. History did not count killing or murders. There are people, who are allergic to communism and advancement. I feel you are one of them. The birth of USSR through October revolution was not well came by any quarter or political power of that time. USSR was a street urchin of world politics at that time. Communist Party took over power from wreckage of the First World War. Exchequer was empty, no communication and no food. The feudal lords and their armed cadres are hostile. They are getting support from outside. Trade embargo was imposed by the then world powers. All these were continued till 1930. The feudal lords were not allowing peasants to cultivate the land due to conflict with peasants and communist, so there was continuous food shortage and famine for number of years. These feudal lords were also fighting to topple the communist government. Due to this fight and famine lots of people were died. When internal problem was settled, WWII arrived. At the time of WWII, USSR was a third grade power; all country wanted its destruction and was encouraging Hitler to save capitalism from communism by destroying USSR. The Red Army stopped non-prevented Hitler's army invasion at the cost of huge casualties. The course of history was changed. All the death due to internal fight, famine and war casualty were piled up during cold war time and attributed to communism. The portrait of communism at that time was Stalin. Enemies of communism portrayed him as monster and blamed him for all those death. The death figure they mentioned is also debatable among them. British propaganda machine quotes half of 62,000,000. Instead of all these BBC survey on Russians indicates that they consider Stalin as a top most leader of the century of their society. Death toll of Chinese civil war, war with Japan and famine were again attributed to communist by the imperialist propaganda machine. They exaggerated the death toll figure for propaganda purpose. Please read "Glimpse of World History" by Nehru. Pol Pot was a CIA agent and captured power through CIA. One should not mix up theory with politics. Theory is universal whereas politics depends on local conditions and surrounding. Try to understand the difference between invasion and sending troops on request of receiving government. USSR sent troops to Hungary (1956), Czechoslovakia (1968) and Afghanistan (1979) on request of the respective government. Yes, there is debate on this among the communist also. China claim Tibet as part of their country. They also claim part of Indian Territory as their part. All these are local political issues, not to be mixed up with theories.
A person may not have any enemy, but the oppressed and secular class of people have enemy and they are continuously fighting against those enemies as I belong to these oppressed and secular people. I am in the battlefield along with them. This fight is some time visible and some time not, but fight is going on.
Setara Hashem
Wed May 19, 2004 4:08 pm
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