Rationalist Day:
1st March, 2004
We seek to express our sincere thanks to all Mukto-monas, especially the
contributors for supporting our effort to make our first call to celebrate 1st
March as the Rationalist Day.
Our observing the Rationalist Day, however, comes at a tragic moment when
one of our illustrious comrades, Dr. Humayun Azad, is fighting for life in
hospital for reasons no other than the very evil we rationalist freethinkers
are fighting against. We wish Dr. Azad, the renowned rationalist of Bangladesh, recovers soon
completely and let us join hands with him to fight the cause of human-kind.
Thanking you all again.
Moderator's call:
Messages and encouraging comments from prominent personalities and readers
Alamgir Hussain's review on Rationalist Day celebration
English Articles:
Rationalism - It's Meaning and
Implications by Aparthib
Rationalism : A Weapon of Mass Construction
by Imran Hossain
Islamic Mysticism and an Overview of World Religions. By Afroza Begum
The Day of the Rationalists by Abul Kasem
Beyond Belief and ... Reason ... by Audrey Manning
The God of Falling Bodies by Victor J. Stenger
Questioning Truth and Reality by Victor J. Stenger
Evolution of Darwin's Evolution Theory- Challenged and Re-established by
Rafida Ahmed Bonna
Thoughts V- Mental colonization by Mondar M. M. A. NOVO
Perspectives on the War on Terror - A Rational Analysis by Paul Edwards
The Sacrificial Cow by Mondar M. M. A. NOVO
Rationalist Quotes Sampler M. M. A. NOVO
Aroj Ali Matubbar- Rationalist Philosopher of Rural
BD By Ajoy Roy
Debate on
What it Takes to be a Rationalist by Ali Sina
Response to Ali Sina by James Randi
Response to Ali Sina by Brent Meeker
Response to Ali Sina by Aparthib Zaman
the second phase of debate...
Bangla Article:

Collected by Khairul Habib

Collected by Jahed Ahmed

Collected by Jahed Ahmed