Us Election 2004: Bush won!
Notice from Moderators: Discussion on US Election 2004
Dear Members:
This is just to thank you all of those on behalf of MM Moderation Team who participated and contributed toward a lively debates on recent US election. Though some of the members of the Moderation Team leaned on one particular side, MM as a whole, did not endorse either of the two candidates. Moderators' stand was completely personal even though within USA itself practice of endorsing officially a particular candidate by many leading newspapers/think tanks is quite old, and it doesn't damage those newspapers' non-partisan stand. For example- the New York Times endorsed Governor George Pataki of Republican party during last Mayor election in New York City; however, same New York Times has endorsed Senator John Kerry, a Democrat, during recent presidential election. MM posted all the articles/messages both for/against the two candidates so that readers get a whole picture about the candidates' merits and demerits.
However, now since election is long over- we would like to stop all the existing threads on this issue. Exception may be the informative articles from trustworthy sources. No articles aimed at personal level will be posted any more.
Readers/writers are encouraged to send articles/write-ups that are off the mainstream news but devoid of any inflammatory languages. Let the rationale and facts speak for themselves. Thank you again for your continuous support!
Moderation Team, Mukto-Mona
George Bush- Devides US or us by Abul Kasem When John Kerry, after conceding his defeat in the recently held election, called President Bush he reminded George Bush of the deep chasm that has engulfed the American nation like nothing before.
George Bush agreed with John Kerry. It looks like this division is now spread all parts of the world, except of course, to the Muslim World. The Muslim World was solidly behind John Kerry. ... ( Read more ... )
Some Afterthoughts on US Election by Bonna Ahmed Al: � Syria is history, We will take it very soon� ....
I overheard this discussion as I was approaching my colleague�s office after the election day. These are two educated white southern conservative males living in Atlanta, Georgia, which is one of the strong conservative Republican states. I could not help say, �no wonder , and the rest of the world hates you guys so much.�... ...( Read more ... )
More Articles : Aftermath of the Bush-Cheney Victory..
A Cold Darkness Before Sunshine
The interplay of two opposing forces
These United States of Evangelicals
Michael Moore message: My First Thoughts About the Election
The value of selling values grew on Election Day
In quotes: World reacts to US poll
Because of you, there is hope.
Pondering : On Bush Victory
[Dr. Alamgir's response]
Post Election Blues: Senator Kerry’s defeat and take home message for American liberals
Anatomy Of A Crushing Political Defeat
Moving to Canada in the aftermath of Bush's victory?
The problems of e-voting in Florida reported by Associated Press
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